From Persona Experience…

One of the ways that I found to display my teacher Persona online is to post videos of myself speaking to the students, videos of things that I find interesting and things I think they might find interesting, memes and bitmojis.

So far, I have tried finding relevant YouTube videos and posting them in various sections of my course. The music classes are by far the easiest because there is a lot of YouTube contents of videos of songs and things from the classical eras of music. I’m finding a little bit more difficult when it comes to career planning and social media. I’m hoping to be able to do some more research this weekend to find some things that the kids would enjoy watching and is relevant to the course.

I really think that the kids are responding well to me posting videos of myself speaking to them.  I posted a padlet recently asking kids what they thought of the videos that I had made. Most of the responses were very good! I did have one student who said he was indifferent, got to love honesty right?  But most of the students said that they would like me to post more videos. I even had a student who requested me to post a video of my dog LOL.

I’ve attached to this blog one of the videos that I posted to the music appreciation class. This is a video from one of my favorite YouTubers Rhett and Link. I thought that this video was not only fun but relevant as it displays to popular musicians as well.


Published by

Katie Bouldin

I have been teaching for 3 years. My first teaching job was a long-term subbing position at Standish and Sterling Elementary Schools. I understand that this isn't exactly an official teaching job. However, I did all of the things that a regular teacher would do. My first “official” teaching job was at Arenac Eastern Schools where I taught Music, Drama, and Computers for Kindergarten through 12th grade. I worked there up until last year when my school closed down. Now I work for Michigan Virtual and own a photography business on the side. Some of my favorite hobbies include sewing, hunting and fishing, and spending time with my dog Maggie.

2 thoughts on “From Persona Experience…”

  1. Fun video, Katie! That’s a great example of how to add your persona — while keeping it content-driven. Students won’t necessarily get the “fun” stuff in the course content — up to us to make it fun!

  2. Katie, even though it seems like the student is off-topic in asking to see a video of your dog, it tells me that you have connected enough with that student for him/her to ask for more of your life. That student is trying to connect back with you! All of your efforts are starting to pay off.

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